breast cancerデータはUCIの機械学習リポジトリ―にあるBreast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Data Setのコピーで、乳腺腫瘤の穿刺吸引細胞診(fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass)のデジタル画像から計算されたデータ。
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from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer cancer_ds = load_breast_cancer() for key, value in zip(cancer_ds.keys(), cancer_ds.values()): print("{}:\n{}\n".format(key, value)) |
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data: [[1.799e+01 1.038e+01 1.228e+02 ... 2.654e-01 4.601e-01 1.189e-01] [2.057e+01 1.777e+01 1.329e+02 ... 1.860e-01 2.750e-01 8.902e-02] [1.969e+01 2.125e+01 1.300e+02 ... 2.430e-01 3.613e-01 8.758e-02] ... [1.660e+01 2.808e+01 1.083e+02 ... 1.418e-01 2.218e-01 7.820e-02] [2.060e+01 2.933e+01 1.401e+02 ... 2.650e-01 4.087e-01 1.240e-01] [7.760e+00 2.454e+01 4.792e+01 ... 0.000e+00 2.871e-01 7.039e-02]] target: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 ..... 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1] target_names: ['malignant' 'benign'] DESCR: .. _breast_cancer_dataset: Breast cancer wisconsin (diagnostic) dataset -------------------------------------------- **Data Set Characteristics:** :Number of Instances: 569 :Number of Attributes: 30 numeric, predictive attributes and the class :Attribute Information: - radius (mean of distances from center to points on the perimeter) - texture (standard deviation of gray-scale values) - perimeter - area - smoothness (local variation in radius lengths) - compactness (perimeter^2 / area - 1.0) - concavity (severity of concave portions of the contour) - concave points (number of concave portions of the contour) - symmetry - fractal dimension ("coastline approximation" - 1) The mean, standard error, and "worst" or largest (mean of the three largest values) of these features were computed for each image, resulting in 30 features. For instance, field 3 is Mean Radius, field 13 is Radius SE, field 23 is Worst Radius. - class: - WDBC-Malignant - WDBC-Benign :Summary Statistics: ===================================== ====== ====== Min Max ===================================== ====== ====== radius (mean): 6.981 28.11 texture (mean): 9.71 39.28 perimeter (mean): 43.79 188.5 area (mean): 143.5 2501.0 smoothness (mean): 0.053 0.163 compactness (mean): 0.019 0.345 concavity (mean): 0.0 0.427 concave points (mean): 0.0 0.201 symmetry (mean): 0.106 0.304 fractal dimension (mean): 0.05 0.097 radius (standard error): 0.112 2.873 texture (standard error): 0.36 4.885 perimeter (standard error): 0.757 21.98 area (standard error): 6.802 542.2 smoothness (standard error): 0.002 0.031 compactness (standard error): 0.002 0.135 concavity (standard error): 0.0 0.396 concave points (standard error): 0.0 0.053 symmetry (standard error): 0.008 0.079 fractal dimension (standard error): 0.001 0.03 radius (worst): 7.93 36.04 texture (worst): 12.02 49.54 perimeter (worst): 50.41 251.2 area (worst): 185.2 4254.0 smoothness (worst): 0.071 0.223 compactness (worst): 0.027 1.058 concavity (worst): 0.0 1.252 concave points (worst): 0.0 0.291 symmetry (worst): 0.156 0.664 fractal dimension (worst): 0.055 0.208 ===================================== ====== ====== :Missing Attribute Values: None :Class Distribution: 212 - Malignant, 357 - Benign :Creator: Dr. William H. Wolberg, W. Nick Street, Olvi L. Mangasarian :Donor: Nick Street :Date: November, 1995 This is a copy of UCI ML Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) datasets. https://goo.gl/U2Uwz2 Features are computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass. They describe characteristics of the cell nuclei present in the image. Separating plane described above was obtained using Multisurface Method-Tree (MSM-T) [K. P. Bennett, "Decision Tree Construction Via Linear Programming." Proceedings of the 4th Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Society, pp. 97-101, 1992], a classification method which uses linear programming to construct a decision tree. Relevant features were selected using an exhaustive search in the space of 1-4 features and 1-3 separating planes. The actual linear program used to obtain the separating plane in the 3-dimensional space is that described in: [K. P. Bennett and O. L. Mangasarian: "Robust Linear Programming Discrimination of Two Linearly Inseparable Sets", Optimization Methods and Software 1, 1992, 23-34]. This database is also available through the UW CS ftp server: ftp ftp.cs.wisc.edu cd math-prog/cpo-dataset/machine-learn/WDBC/ .. topic:: References - W.N. Street, W.H. Wolberg and O.L. Mangasarian. Nuclear feature extraction for breast tumor diagnosis. IS&T/SPIE 1993 International Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, volume 1905, pages 861-870, San Jose, CA, 1993. - O.L. Mangasarian, W.N. Street and W.H. Wolberg. Breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis via linear programming. Operations Research, 43(4), pages 570-577, July-August 1995. - W.H. Wolberg, W.N. Street, and O.L. Mangasarian. Machine learning techniques to diagnose breast cancer from fine-needle aspirates. Cancer Letters 77 (1994) 163-171. feature_names: ['mean radius' 'mean texture' 'mean perimeter' 'mean area' 'mean smoothness' 'mean compactness' 'mean concavity' 'mean concave points' 'mean symmetry' 'mean fractal dimension' 'radius error' 'texture error' 'perimeter error' 'area error' 'smoothness error' 'compactness error' 'concavity error' 'concave points error' 'symmetry error' 'fractal dimension error' 'worst radius' 'worst texture' 'worst perimeter' 'worst area' 'worst smoothness' 'worst compactness' 'worst concavity' 'worst concave points' 'worst symmetry' 'worst fractal dimension'] filename: C:\Users\tomo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\sklearn\datasets\data\breast_cancer.csv |
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from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer cancer_ds = load_breast_cancer() print(cancer_ds.keys()) # dict_keys(['data', 'target', 'target_names', 'DESCR', 'feature_names', 'filename']) |
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'data': array([[1.799e+01, 1.038e+01, 1.228e+02, ..., 2.654e-01, 4.601e-01, 1.189e-01], [2.057e+01, 1.777e+01, 1.329e+02, ..., 1.860e-01, 2.750e-01, 8.902e-02], [1.969e+01, 2.125e+01, 1.300e+02, ..., 2.430e-01, 3.613e-01, 8.758e-02], ..., [1.660e+01, 2.808e+01, 1.083e+02, ..., 1.418e-01, 2.218e-01, 7.820e-02], [2.060e+01, 2.933e+01, 1.401e+02, ..., 2.650e-01, 4.087e-01, 1.240e-01], [7.760e+00, 2.454e+01, 4.792e+01, ..., 0.000e+00, 2.871e-01, 7.039e-02]]) |
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'target': array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, ..... 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) |
1 |
'target_names': array(['malignant', 'benign'], dtype='<U9') |
malignant | 0 |
benign | 1 |
- radius:半径(中心から外周までの平均)
- texture:テクスチャ―のグレースケールの標準偏差
- perimeter:外周長
- area:面積
- smoothness:中心から外周までの部分偏差
- compactness:コンパクト性(外周長2÷面積-1.0)
- concavity:コンターの凹部強度
- concave points:コンターの凹点の数
- symmetry:対称性
- fractal dimension:フラクタル次元
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
'feature_names': array(['mean radius', 'mean texture', 'mean perimeter', 'mean area', 'mean smoothness', 'mean compactness', 'mean concavity', 'mean concave points', 'mean symmetry', 'mean fractal dimension', 'radius error', 'texture error', 'perimeter error', 'area error', 'smoothness error', 'compactness error', 'concavity error', 'concave points error', 'symmetry error', 'fractal dimension error', 'worst radius', 'worst texture', 'worst perimeter', 'worst area', 'worst smoothness', 'worst compactness', 'worst concavity', 'worst concave points', 'worst symmetry', 'worst fractal dimension'], dtype='<U23') |
mean | error | worst | |
radius | 0 | 10 | 20 |
texture | 1 | 11 | 21 |
perimeter | 2 | 12 | 22 |
area | 3 | 13 | 23 |
smoothness | 4 | 14 | 24 |
compactness | 5 | 15 | 25 |
concavity | 6 | 16 | 26 |
concave points | 7 | 17 | 27 |
symmetry | 8 | 18 | 28 |
fractal dimension | 9 | 19 | 29 |
1 |
'filename': 'C:...\\lib\\site-packages\\sklearn\\datasets\\data\\breast_cancer.csv' |
- レコード数569個(悪性:212、良性:357)
- 属性は、30の数値属性とクラス
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.. _breast_cancer_dataset: Breast cancer wisconsin (diagnostic) dataset -------------------------------------------- **Data Set Characteristics:** :Number of Instances: 569 :Number of Attributes: 30 numeric, predictive attributes and the class :Attribute Information: - radius (mean of distances from center to points on the perimeter) - texture (standard deviation of gray-scale values) - perimeter - area - smoothness (local variation in radius lengths) - compactness (perimeter^2 / area - 1.0) - concavity (severity of concave portions of the contour) - concave points (number of concave portions of the contour) - symmetry - fractal dimension ("coastline approximation" - 1) The mean, standard error, and "worst" or largest (mean of the three largest values) of these features were computed for each image, resulting in 30 features. For instance, field 3 is Mean Radius, field 13 is Radius SE, field 23 is Worst Radius. - class: - WDBC-Malignant - WDBC-Benign :Summary Statistics: ===================================== ====== ====== Min Max ===================================== ====== ====== radius (mean): 6.981 28.11 texture (mean): 9.71 39.28 perimeter (mean): 43.79 188.5 area (mean): 143.5 2501.0 smoothness (mean): 0.053 0.163 compactness (mean): 0.019 0.345 concavity (mean): 0.0 0.427 concave points (mean): 0.0 0.201 symmetry (mean): 0.106 0.304 fractal dimension (mean): 0.05 0.097 radius (standard error): 0.112 2.873 texture (standard error): 0.36 4.885 perimeter (standard error): 0.757 21.98 area (standard error): 6.802 542.2 smoothness (standard error): 0.002 0.031 compactness (standard error): 0.002 0.135 concavity (standard error): 0.0 0.396 concave points (standard error): 0.0 0.053 symmetry (standard error): 0.008 0.079 fractal dimension (standard error): 0.001 0.03 radius (worst): 7.93 36.04 texture (worst): 12.02 49.54 perimeter (worst): 50.41 251.2 area (worst): 185.2 4254.0 smoothness (worst): 0.071 0.223 compactness (worst): 0.027 1.058 concavity (worst): 0.0 1.252 concave points (worst): 0.0 0.291 symmetry (worst): 0.156 0.664 fractal dimension (worst): 0.055 0.208 ===================================== ====== ====== :Missing Attribute Values: None :Class Distribution: 212 - Malignant, 357 - Benign :Creator: Dr. William H. Wolberg, W. Nick Street, Olvi L. Mangasarian :Donor: Nick Street :Date: November, 1995 This is a copy of UCI ML Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) datasets. https://goo.gl/U2Uwz2 Features are computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass. They describe characteristics of the cell nuclei present in the image. Separating plane described above was obtained using Multisurface Method-Tree (MSM-T) [K. P. Bennett, "Decision Tree Construction Via Linear Programming." Proceedings of the 4th Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Society, pp. 97-101, 1992], a classification method which uses linear programming to construct a decision tree. Relevant features were selected using an exhaustive search in the space of 1-4 features and 1-3 separating planes. The actual linear program used to obtain the separating plane in the 3-dimensional space is that described in: [K. P. Bennett and O. L. Mangasarian: "Robust Linear Programming Discrimination of Two Linearly Inseparable Sets", Optimization Methods and Software 1, 1992, 23-34]. This database is also available through the UW CS ftp server: ftp ftp.cs.wisc.edu cd math-prog/cpo-dataset/machine-learn/WDBC/ .. topic:: References - W.N. Street, W.H. Wolberg and O.L. Mangasarian. Nuclear feature extraction for breast tumor diagnosis. IS&T/SPIE 1993 International Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, volume 1905, pages 861-870, San Jose, CA, 1993. - O.L. Mangasarian, W.N. Street and W.H. Wolberg. Breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis via linear programming. Operations Research, 43(4), pages 570-577, July-August 1995. - W.H. Wolberg, W.N. Street, and O.L. Mangasarian. Machine learning techniques to diagnose breast cancer from fine-needle aspirates. Cancer Letters 77 (1994) 163-171. |
- 辞書のキーを使って呼び出す(例:
) - キーの文字列をプロパティーに指定する(例:
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from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer cancer_ds = load_breast_cancer() print(cancer_ds.data) # [[1.799e+01 1.038e+01 1.228e+02 ... 2.654e-01 4.601e-01 1.189e-01] # [2.057e+01 1.777e+01 1.329e+02 ... 1.860e-01 2.750e-01 8.902e-02] # [1.969e+01 2.125e+01 1.300e+02 ... 2.430e-01 3.613e-01 8.758e-02] # ... # [1.660e+01 2.808e+01 1.083e+02 ... 1.418e-01 2.218e-01 7.820e-02] # [2.060e+01 2.933e+01 1.401e+02 ... 2.650e-01 4.087e-01 1.240e-01] # [7.760e+00 2.454e+01 4.792e+01 ... 0.000e+00 2.871e-01 7.039e-02]] |
特定の特徴量に関する全レコードのデータを取り出すときにはX[:, n]
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from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer cancer_ds = load_breast_cancer() features = cancer_ds['feature_names'] X = cancer_ds['data'] n_feature = 10 feature = X[:, n_feature] print("feature name : {}".format(features[n_feature])) print("feature data :\n{}".format(feature)) # feature name : radius error # feature data : # [1.095 0.5435 0.7456 0.4956 0.7572 0.3345 0.4467 0.5835 0.3063 0.2976 # 0.3795 0.5058 0.9555 0.4033 0.2121 0.37 0.4727 0.5692 0.7582 0.2699 # 0.1852 0.2773 0.4388 0.6917 0.8068 1.046 0.2545 0.8529 0.439 0.6003 # ..... # 0.2784 0.2542 0.3031 0.2351 0.272 0.346 0.2104 0.1144 0.2957 0.5196 # 0.3163 0.28 0.2409 0.3013 0.2116 0.2199 0.2441 0.5375 0.2254 0.2388 # 0.3645 0.3141 0.2602 0.9622 1.176 0.7655 0.4564 0.726 0.3857] |
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from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer cancer_ds = load_breast_cancer() targets = cancer_ds['target_names'] X = cancer_ds['data'] y = cancer_ds['target'] n_class = 0 data_0 = X[:, n_class] print("data for class {}:\n{}".format(targets[n_class], X[y==n_class])) # data for class malignant: # [[1.799e+01 1.038e+01 1.228e+02 ... 2.654e-01 4.601e-01 1.189e-01] # [2.057e+01 1.777e+01 1.329e+02 ... 1.860e-01 2.750e-01 8.902e-02] # [1.969e+01 2.125e+01 1.300e+02 ... 2.430e-01 3.613e-01 8.758e-02] # ... # [2.013e+01 2.825e+01 1.312e+02 ... 1.628e-01 2.572e-01 6.637e-02] # [1.660e+01 2.808e+01 1.083e+02 ... 1.418e-01 2.218e-01 7.820e-02] [2.060e+01 2.933e+01 1.401e+02 ... 2.650e-01 4.087e-01 1.240e-01]] |